The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.
League Fixture dates can be seen Here.
Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.
Memberships are available, details Here.
All news and updates for the club will be published on this page. We will also list changes to the website here. A summary of the major news items is always listed on the left hand panel of every page, however this news page contains a complete list of all items and updates.
This page is also available as an RSS feed
which you can subscribe to and receive automatic notification when there are any changes.
The results for the April shoot have been posted. See the April winners and shoot report, or the latest league standings.
The results for the March shoot have been posted. See the March winners and shoot report, or the latest league standings.
The results for the February shoot have been posted. See the February winners and shoot report, or the latest league standings.
The new leagues for 2011 have been created after the January shoot. See the January winners and shoot report, or the new league standings.
The classifications for the new 2011 season are available. They can be viewed here.
The last shoot has finished and we have our league winners. Check out the winners or the overall league standings.
The leagues have been updated with the results from the December shoot. See the December winners, or the new league standings.
The leagues have been updated with the results from the November shoot. See the November winners, or the new league standings.
The leagues have been updated with the results from the October shoot. See the October winners, or the new league standings.
The leagues have been updated with the results from the September shoot. See the September winners, or the new league standings.
The leagues have now been updated with the results from the July shoot. See the July winners, or the new league standings.
We've had some problems with the website over the last few days where the league tables were not available. This was caused by an upgrade at our hosting company, but has now been rectified, so the league tables are once again, available to view.
The leagues have now been updated with the results from the June shoot. See the June winners, or the new league standings.
Our membership size continues to remain at the same level as before. A small number of people did not renew so places became available to the people on the waiting list. Any new requests for membership will now go onto the waiting list and will be dealt with at the next renewal in May 2011.
Please note, the farmers shoot in May is not on the last Saturday, it has been moved to Saturday 22nd as the farm is in use on the 29th.
The leagues have now been updated with the results from the May shoot. See the May winners, or the new league standings.
For those members who have not yet renewed their membership, this year the May shoot is your last opportunity to do so. After then, your places will be offered to those on the waiting list and you may have to join the waiting list if you want to renew at a later date. The renewal form is available here.
Once again, the farmer has reported to us that some people are driving too fast around the farm. If you want to carry on shooting at Shawlands, please SLOW DOWN!
The weather is looking fine for the farmers shoot on Saturday so we thought it would be good to get the BBQ fired up. We'll get the BBQ ready for after the shoot, so feel free to bring along some meat or what ever you want to cook.
After double checking the scores on the cards for March I noticed that a few of the cards had been added up incorrectly. I have therefore made the corrections and the leagues have been updated. This only affected the people in the B and C league, but if you notice some subtle changes in some of the scores since you last checked, this will be the reason.
For existing members, Membership fees are now due for 2010. Please complete the renewal form and return it to Fred at the address on the form, or bring it along to the shoot.
Some news from one of our members, Ryan Wilgoss in the AA league has, as he puts it, "in a weak moment", agreed to run the 2010 London Marathon. Ryan is running in aid of the Childrens Trust Hospital, Tadworth and has set a target to raise £2000 for this charity.
If you would like to sponsor Ryan, please see his donation page at
If there is time, you are welcome to fit in a second round each month in the league shoot. However, please ensure you complete the first round in its entirety before commencing the second round.
Please put your cartridges in the bins provided
The committee feel that it is not unreasonable to ask all shooter to put all used cartridges into the bins provided, instead of ejecting them onto the ground. There have been times when the bins have fallen over and people were just piling up the cartridges next to the bin, instead of standing it up!
We realise this is not possible for shooters with semi-automatics but for the rest of us its a simple case of putting your hand over the breach when breaking the gun to catch the cartridge. Or, if you want to eject them freely, please pick them up after you have finished the stand. This will help enormously in aiding the committee to reduce costs and it will also help us clear away the shoot more efficiently and quickly.
All Members can get 10% off Country Wear Duke's - Fun In The Country are offering our members a 10 % discount on all purchases. All you need to do is to produce a valid membership card (contact the committee if you have lost your card) to receive your 10% discount. Click on the link below to go to their web site. Duke's - Fun In The Country,3 Shawlands Court, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6BL
We are hoping to increase the number of discounts available to members. Any new discounts will be posted in this news section, and if there are sufficient, we will create a new page dedicated to the discounts available to members
Membership is Full Membership is now closed. We have reached a point where the club can only just cope with the numbers that we have shooting each month. A decision has been made to close the membership to new applicants and a waiting list be created for those wanting to join. Members who do not renew by June will have their places offered to those on the waiting list. Lapsed members wishing to re-join will be treated as a new applicant and will have to join the waiting list and pay guest prices until a place becomes available.
Wanted Trappers Do any members know of any 16 year olds who would like to trap for us on a regular basis for £25 per session. If so then contact Dave Young