Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


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March result

No rain for the last week meant the ground had dried up enough to allow us to access the rest of the farm, so the shoot was somewhat back to normal. Lets hope it stays that way.

Highest score of the day was 45 and was shot by C. Corfield.

AA class winner C. Corfield 45
2nd L. Mager 44
3rd M. Grimes 42
A class Winner J. Lindsey 43
2nd J. Riley 39
3rd R. Hart / M. Kempner 38
B Class Winner R. Sorrell 36
2nd P. Welfare / I Hammond 33
3rd M. Bennett 32
C Class Winner B. Newman 32
2nd M. Latreille / P. Goodhew 31
3rd M. Walker / S. Goddard / P. Roach / N. Rowe / A. Saunders 30

March shoot report

The whole farm was back in use today and we tried to put on a shoot that was a little harder than last month.
This was mostly achieved and a variety of different presentations gave us some tricky targets, together with some easy ones as well.
Statistically the average for this shoot was 30.911.

Stand 1 - Normal location in the trees, 4 pairs: R-L crossing pair on rapport.
         First target was slower and curling, 2nd a fast midi. Fairly straightforward, with no particular problems.
         This was the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 8 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - Lake, 4 pairs: R-L crosser and R-L quartering simultaneous pair.
         Had to be quick on the crosser, otherwise the 2nd target had got a long way away.
         Not especially difficult, but only 6 people straighted it.

Stand 3 - Left hand car park, 3 pairs: Edge on teal with going away target from the tower on rapport.
         Teal was fairly easy despite being edge on as it was relatively close. Second target was going away quickly.
         This was the 3rd easiest stand of the day and 7 people straighted it.

Stand 4 - Right hand car park, 3 pairs: R-L crossing simultaneous pair.
         Crossing pair approximately 30-35 yards away. Lots of time, good visibility, just had to judge the lead.
         Quite tricky, but not the hardest stand. Only 2 people straighted this stand.

Stand 5 - Dingley Dell, 3 pairs: Driven incoming target with L-R quartering standard on rapport.
         Driven target was easy, but the quartering target was not.
         The angle and direction confused most people and not a lot were hit.
         Statistically the hardest stand of the day and no one straighted it.

Stand 6 - Hedgerow stand, 4 pairs: Overhead simultaneous pair from behind, dropping in front of shooter.
         Quite a hard stand with the two targets crossing overhead (behind the shooter) and then dropping just in front.
         Had to leave the first target seen, wait for the 2nd to drop and then move quickly back onto the first target.          Statistically the 2nd hardest stand of the day and only 1 person straighted it.

Stand 7 - Telegraph tower stand, 4 pairs: L-R crossing standard with slow R-L quartering standard on rapport.
         Pretty easy stand with no real problems. Plenty of time on both targets and some high scores.
         22 people straighted this stand.