Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.


At BT Shawlands the classifications will be setup after the end of the May shoot, ready for the new season to start in June. Many people ask how the classifications and leagues are calculated, why they are in a particular league, if they can be moved, etc. This page will explain how the classifications and leagues are calculated.

Promotion and demotion

There are two ways the leagues could operate. The first way is as a championship whereby the top 3 are promoted and the bottom 3 are demoted (perhaps with shoot-offs). However the committee felt this was not appropriate for our club. The committee wanted to allow anyone to be promoted, provided their average improved sufficiently over the season. This would ensure that regardless of their final position in the league, a member could be promoted if they had improved scores over the year.

Deciding fair thresholds is tricky though and has caused confusion in the past. From 2010 the thresholds will be set to maintain the following percentage of shooters in each league:

In previous years it was calculated in a similar manner, but it was not as clear how the thresholds are set. With known thresholds, it is now easier to calculate who is in which league.

New season

After the May shoot, the season average is calculated for everyone and they are then sorted in order, from highest through to lowest (our current membership total). The thresholds can then be set and the top 20% are allocated to the AA league, the next 20% to the A league, they following 30% to the B league, and the final 30% to the C league.

Actual and Rolling Averages

Some shooters are not able to attend all the shoots in a year. In fact if a member only attends a few (or 1) shoot, an accurate average for that season is not possible to calculate. Therefore, for members who are not able to attend a minimum of 6 shoots, instead of using an actual season average, we use a rolling average calculated using scores from the last 12 recorded results.

The result is that a member who shoots the 6 or more shoots will be promoted or demoted (or neither) based on their performance in that season. And, a member who is not able to attend the 6 shoots will probably not be promoted or demoted because using a rolling average, their average is less likely to move significantly. This also ensures that a member who only shoots say, once, will not be promoted or demoted just based on that one result.

New members

New members join in June after the membership is renewed and hence do not initially have a classification. They are therefore un-classified until they have shot three different shoots. At that point, the average is taken over the three cards and their classification is established. The three scores are then entered into the appropriate league.

Card Entry

Only one card can be entered for each shoot. The member may shoot a second round, but only the scorecard from the first round can be entered into the league. For the card to be accepted into the league, the member cannot shoot by themselves, they must shoot with at least one other member from the club. If you turn up by yourself and wish to enter a card, please speak to one of the committee members, we will be happy to shoot with you, so that your car can be counted.

Further details

If you would like further details, or if you would like to offer your opinion on the subject (for better or for worse), then please feel free to contact the committee. If you would prefer that the leagues were run as a championship, and you had to fight for promotion, then let us know. If you like the idea of having a shoot off to settle a position, then let us know. We only run the club for the benefit of the members, and if the members would prefer that it ran in a particular way, then they need to tell us. Alternatively, if you like what is being done, then please also feel free to just tell us that as well.