Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


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July result

Conditions today were very hot, sunny and quite humid. There were some high scores, although compared to other shoots, the number of times stands were straighted was quite low. Lots of 7's, but not so many 8's. There were several groupings of scores, around 38, 34 and 29, so scoring was consistent throughout all the leagues.

Highest score of the day was 44, shot by 2 shooters, P Moser and D Rouse.

AA class winner P. Moser / D Rouse 44
2nd M. Garrad 43
3rd C. Corfield 42
A class Winner G. Newbury / P. Stacey 42
2nd L. Major 40
3rd P. Morgan / A. Langdale 39
B Class Winner A. Beech / K. Dawson 41
2nd S. Pain / A. Ferguson 40
3rd F. Warrick / I. Hammond / S. Loy 38
C Class Winner G. Lines 38
2nd B. DeRosa 37
3rd M. Hall 34

July shoot report

The plan for this shoot was to again try some new presentations, but to make nothing too hard. This was roughly what was achieved. The scores were all quite quite and there were several groups of scores. Statistically this has been the 2nd easiest shoot of the year so far with an average of 33.485.

Stand 1 - Chondrel R to L crossing, looping bird with a straight overhead going away bird on rapport.
         Both targets were quite clear to see and the stand was relatively easy.
         This was the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 9 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - Pair going away over the lake, fairly fast slightly quartering L to R.
         Had to be quick on the second target, the longer you left it the harder it became.
         This was the hardest stand of the day and only 2 people straighted it.

Stand 3 - Incoming dropper landing about 20 feet in front of stand, with a quartering R to L fairly fast bird on rapport.
         Incomer was easy but the quartering bird more challenging and had to be taken quickly before it went over the hedge.
         This was the easiest stand of the day and 12 people straighted it.

Stand 4 - R to L midi crosser about 20 feet out with a low, quartering R to L bird on rapport.
         Midi was quick but caused no real problems, had to be quick on the rapport bird as it was low to the ground.
         Third easiest stand of the day and 7 people straighted this stand.

Stand 5 - Quartering R to L (split) simultaneous pair.
         This stand was of moderate difficulty and the left hand bird was quite challenging if left too long.
         5 people straighted this stand.

Stand 6 - Incoming driven bird at a comfortable height and moderate speed, quartering L to R away going bird on rapport.
         This was a relatively easy stand, but despite this, not many were able to straight it.
         As a result, only 5 people straighted this stand