Upcoming Shoots
Sat Jan 11th
Sat Jan 25th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

January result

The farm was very wet today, a lot of rain had made it very muddy, and a new river had formed, running from the car park down the track! The intention was to have an easy shoot to start the year, however, the day went against us with a number of problems.

Firstly, one of the 4x4s broke down, so we only had one vehicle available and this caused delays in setting up. Then we realised that half the farm was not accessible - the sugar beet in the far field had recently been harvested and the harvester caused large (2ft!) ruts to be formed (which were now full of water). Our remaining 4x4 was not able to navigate this with all the trailers/traps, so we had to quickly build three temporary stands and change the shoot layout. As a result, the overall shoot ended up harder than originally intended.

This was further confounded when 2 traps broke down during the shoot. The first to break was on Stand 1, but we had a spare trap so were able to get the stand working again in about 10 minutes.

However, the second trap failure was more terminal. The trap on Stand 5 throwing the simultaneous driven pair broke down and we simply could not get it working (we think it requires a new gearbox!). As a result, about 30% of the shooters were not able to shoot stand 5.

We have decided that the only fair way to deal with this for the league scores, is to discount stand 5 from the scores, regardless of whether the person shot the stand or not. The points for the January shoot are therefore being calculated out of a maximum of 42 and we have been through all the cards and adjusted all the totals to take this into consideration.

Highest score of the day was 35 (out of 42) shot by S. Langdale and V. Hill.

AA class winner V. Hill / S. Langdale 35
2nd G. Holliman 34
3rd C. Wilkinson 33
A class Winner F. Warwick 34
2nd R. Francis 33
3rd M. Thompson 32
B Class Winner I. Langdale 26
2nd K. Dawson / W. Daly 26
3rd R. Burchell / G. Thompson 25
C Class Winner M. Latreille / S. Goddard 31
2nd P. Roach / N. Rowe 27
3rd P. Goodhew 26

January shoot report

As mentioned above, the shoot was not a normal one today and we had lots of problems. As a result, the shoot was calculated from 42 birds over 6 stands. Statistically this was a hard shoot with an average of 25.225.

Stand 1 - Blaze down the path (repeated on rapport).
         Relatively straightforward target running straight down the path.
         The trap was throwing targets with a few degrees of variation so they did not all come out exactly the same.
         This was the easiest stand of the day and 14 people managed to straight it.

Stand 2 - Simultaneous pair over the lake (shot from the left hand stand).
         Again, fairly straightforward simultaneous pair over the lake.
         Both targets were curling slightly surprisingly, caused a few problems.
         Only 5 people straighted this stand.

Stand 3 - Chicken and egg from the tower (left hand car park stand).
         The egg fell quickly and definitely was the harder of the two targets.
         This was the second hardest stand of the day, and no one managed to straight it.

Stand 4 - R-L simultaneous pair (midi and standard).
         Fairly straightforward pair. Flights were different because one was a midi and the other was a standard.
         This was the second easiest stand and 11 people straighted it.

Stand 5 - Simultaneous Driven pair.
         This stand failed half way through the shoot, so the scores have been ignored.

Stand 6 - Standard clay arcing from L-R with R-L quartering target (going away) on rapport.
         First target was a little tricky, trying to judge where in the arc to shoot it.
         6 people straighted this stand.

Stand 7 - Far away (and rising) target going away, with 2nd going away target (albeit closer) on rapport.
         This was by far the hardest stand. The first target was very tricky, although was completely shootable (I got 2!).
         The 2nd target was easier, although it was going away quickly so you had to be quickly on to it.
         Generally low scores and no one straighted it.