Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


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League Fixtures

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Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


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November result

White cloud all day meant contrast was good and so the targets were quite easy to pickout in the sky.
The stands were setup with nothing too difficult. As a result, this was the easiest shoot of the year so far.

Highest score of the day was an almost perfect 48, shot by S. Langdale.

AA class winner S. Langdale 48
2nd C. Corfield / M. Grimes 46
3rd G. Holliman 44
A class Winner C. Wilkinson 43
2nd B. Scotton / R. Hart / A. Langdale / G. Newbury 42
3rd M. Kempner 41
B Class Winner F. Warrick 44
2nd S. Pain 43
3rd R. Galbraith 41
C Class Winner B. DeRosa 38
2nd M. Latreille 36
3rd A. Loveall / N. Rowe 34

November shoot report

With the new 7 stand layout being used, the stands with only 3 pairs become a little harder as you have less time to read the targets. However, whilst there were some new presentations the overall shoot was relatively easy.
Statistically this has been the easiest shoot of the year with an average of 35.806.

Stand 1 - R-L crossing blaze simultaneous pair.
         Relatively straightforward pair but the second target could get away if you were not quick.
         Lots of 7s on this stand and surprisingly only 9 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - R-L Curling crossing target, followed by L-R quartering standard on rapport.
         Nothing over the lake today, this was shot from the right hand car park stand.
         First target was tricky to read as it curled in the air. 2nd target posed no real problems.
         11 people straighted this stand.

Stand 3 - Simultaneous pair going away.
         Fairly straightforward simultaneous pair, just like a double rise trap, but the trap was a little closer.
         14 people straighted this stand and it was the 3rd easiest stand of the day.

Stand 4 - Driven (overhead) Incoming standard with low quartering standard from behind on rapport.
         Both targets were quite slow. The 2nd was a little low and could be difficult to see against the background trees.
         This was the easiest stand of the day and 18 people straighted it.

Stand 5 - Teal, with high (teal like) bird on rapport.
         Both targets were well contrasted against the sky, so was a fairly straight forward stand.
         17 people straighted this stand and it was the 2nd easiest of the day.

Stand 6 - L-R crossing standard with R-L Quartering standard on rapport.
         Both targets were fairly fast, but were clearly visisble in the sky, however the speed did cause a few problems.
         This was statistically the hardest stand of the day and 7 people straighted it.

Stand 7 - Standard and Midi from behind, dropping in front of the stand.
         Sometimes the targets crossed in front of the shooter and the different speeds of the midi/standard definitely made them harder to read.
         An interesting pair that caused a lot of problems, but statistically, it was not the hardest stand.
         This was the 2nd hardest stand of the day and 9 people straighted it.