Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


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September result

The morning started quite wet (it was wet when we were setting up the traps), but fortunately the rain stopped and held off for the actual shoot. This was again a busy shoot. The results were mixed as there were a few tricky stands.

We also tried out the "Auto Challenge". This was setup on stand 4 after the shoot and consisted of 3 sets of 3 simultaneous targets, shot with a semi auto. You did not have to own a semi auto to take part, several people were letting their guns be used. This proved to be quite popular and a lot of fun so we will be thinking of alternate ideas for similar stands at future shoots.

Highest score of the day was 45, shot by R. Loy.

AA class winner R. Loy 45
2nd G. Holliman / R. Wilgoss 42
3rd M. Grimes / M. Garrad 41
A class Winner D. Cardy / C. Wilkinson 40
2nd P. Clack 39
3rd M. Thomson / P. Morgan 38
B Class Winner F. Warwick 40
2nd S. Pain / A. Beech 38
3rd R. Sorrell 37
C Class Winner A. Loveall / P. Goodhew 35
2nd B. DeRosa 33
3rd A. Raza 32

September shoot report

We tried to setup each stand so there was one easy bird and one tricky one. This mostly worked, with some of the stands slightly easier and some slightly harder. Statistically this has been the 4th easiest shoot of the year so far with an average of 32.618.

Stand 1 - Standard Teal with following standard going away overhead.
         Fairly straightforward stand although a few of the 2nd targets managed to get away from some.
         This was the easiest stand of the day but only 12 people managed to straight it.

Stand 2 - Simultaneous Pair - Fast standard going away over the lake with incoming slow midi.
         The first target was very quick and some people rushed it, the second incoming target was fairly straightforward.
         This was the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 10 people straighted it.

Stand 3 - Far away low driven target, with a crossing R - L fairly fast bird on rapport.
         Incomer was low and started a very long way out.
         Both targets were hidden against the background of trees and were quite tricky.
         This was the 2nd hardest stand of the day and only 3 people straighted it.

Stand 4 - R to L crossing chicken and egg (simultaneous).
         The angle and speed of these birds caused problems for people to judge. The wind then added an extra dimension.
         This was the hardest stand of the day and only 1 person straighted it.

Stand 5 - Crossing R to L (split) simultaneous pair.
         Caused a few problems if you took too long on the left bird as the right bird was then too low.
         9 people straighted this stand.

Stand 6 - R-L quartering standard, with L-R quartering bird on rapport.
         This standard was of moderate difficulty with both targets flying fairly quickly.
         As a result, only 4 people straighted this stand