Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

December result

The recent snow had gone and despite being a little muddy underfoot, weather was fine.
The intention was to have a nice easy shoot to end the year, and this was pretty much achieved. Also, instead of the normal raffle, we did something slightly different this year and had a mini competition within stand 3. A target which "smoked" if you hit it, won the wine. Mince pies and mulled wine were also served along with the normal sausage and bacon rolls.

Highest score of the day was a very good 64 (out of 70) shot by A. Langdale.

AA class winner S. Langdale 63
2nd D. Rouse / V. Hill 62
3rd J. Evans 61
A class Winner A. Langdale 64
2nd J. Riley 62
3rd B. Jarrett 59
B Class Winner S. Pain 63
2nd F. Warrick 60
3rd D. Edwards 55
C Class Winner A. Raza 53
2nd I. Langdale / P. Goodhew / A. Deacon-Jackson / A. Loveall / B. DeRosa 49
3rd M. Hall 45

December shoot report

Slightly different arrangement this month as there is no Farmers shoot in December. So we had 70 birds over 8 stands. The intention was to have an easy shoot to end the year, and this was pretty much achieved. Even the hard stands were not too hard...
Statistically this was the 2nd easiest shoot of the year with an average of 49.676.

Stand 1 - Simultaneous overhead pair (from behind).
         Relatively straightforward simultaneous pair but the second target could get away if you were not quick.
         Lots of 9s on this stand, but 9 people managed to straight it.

Stand 2 - Simultaneous pair over the lake.
         Again, fairly straightforward simultaneous pair over the lake.
         Second target was dropping if you were not on to it quickly.
         13 people straighted this stand and it was the 2nd easiest of the day.

Stand 3 - Slow incoming standard, with easy standard going away on rapport.
         An easy stand and also the stand where 40 bottles of wine could be won by hitting the random "Smoking" clay!
         The easiest stand of the day by far and 19 people straighted it.

Stand 4 - Following pair of Rabbits.
         First time we have had rabbits in a long time, but we had a lot of technical problems with this trap today.
         As a result it was quite frustrating and threw a lot of inconsistent rabbits.
         Despite the inconsistency, there were some high scores and 7 people straighted it.

Stand 5 - Incoming high standard, with overhead going away on rapport.
         Again a fairly straightforward stand with both targets easy to see against the sky.
         12 people straighted this stand and it was the 3rd easiest of the day.

Stand 6 - Overhead standard dropping close to (if not on top of) the stand, with going away on rapport.
         Fairly unusual combination but it was the second target that caused the problems.
         This was statistically the hardest stand of the day and despite some high scores, no one managed to straight it.

Stand 7 - L-R crossing standard with R-L slightly quartering standard on rapport.
         This was not meant to be a particularly hard stand, but for some reason today it caused a lot of problems.
         The 1st target was deceptively quick and the second was a long way out if it was not shot immediately.
         This was the 2nd hardest stand of the day and only 3 people straighted it.

Stand 8 - Quartering Chicken and Egg.
         The egg dropped quickly behind the straw bales, and then quickly onto the standard before it went into the trees.
         This was supposed to be one of the harder stands of the day, but in fact did not cause too many problems.
         8 people straighted this stand today.