Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

April result

Highest score of the day was 41 and was shot by G. Holliman.

AA class winner G. Holliman 41
2nd R. Loy 40
3rd C. Wilkinson / C. Brant / J.Evans 39
A class Winner F. Warwick 38
2nd B. Scotton 36
3rd R. Wicks / D. Cardy / M. Johnson 34
B Class Winner P. Welfare / I. Hammond 35
2nd W. Daly / G. Newman 33
3rd J. Clements 30
C Class Winner A. Saunders 34
2nd P. Goodhew 33
3rd S. Goddard 32

Shoot report

Weather was ok and a harder shoot was set today. Not as many stands were straighted today and this was reflected in lower scores.
Statistically the average for this shoot was 27.836.

Stand 1 - Normal location in the trees, 4 pairs: Driven target with going away on rapport.
         First was the Easter egg driven bird....hard and fast with a flash puff blaze if hit winning an easter egg.
         2nd bird on report going away....quite straight forward with plenty of time to make your kill
         This was the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 14 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - Lake, 5 pairs: R-L Chicken and Egg.
         The egg was quite hard to kill...had to be quick as it was dropping quickly.
         Only 1 person managed to straight this stand.

Stand 3 - Left hand car park, 4 pairs: Simultanous pair.
         Tricky pair coming from behind and over your left Shoulder....both dropping quickly and closely in front of you.
         Straight forward if you were quick on the 1st bird, and picked it off high....gave you more time for the 2nd.
         Only 2 people managed to straight this stand.

Stand 4 - Right hand car park, 4 pairs: L-R crossing simultaneous pair.
         A swift pair, both whipped past your r/h shoulder if you let them....it made picking off the 2nd one very hard.
         Had to be quick off the mark by getting the 1st bird quickly. Accurate smooth swingers will have succeeded here!.
         Only 1 person straighted this stand.

Stand 5 - Dingley Dell, 3 pairs: Rabbits.
         Very hard stand...both Rabbits were taking off and bouncing erratically.
         Bit of pot luck here...will have wrecked some otherwise good scores no doubt!
         Statistically the hardest stand of the day, but 1 person did straight it.

Stand 7 - 3 pairs: Standard going away with Chondrel going away on rapport.
         Both quartering (almost...going away really!) 1st from Right to left and chondel left to Right
         23 people straighted this stand and it was the easiest stand of the day.