Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

October result

Highest score of the day was 45 and was shot by C. Corfield and S. Pain.

AA class winner C. Corfield / S. Pain 45
2nd V. Hill / D. Rouse / R. Wilgoss / M. Garrad 43
3rd J. Evans / G. Holliman / P. Morgan 40
A class Winner F. Warwick 44
2nd A. Beech 43
3rd D. Lyon / D. Cardy 41
B Class Winner S. Loy 43
2nd P. Ravenhill 42
3rd R. Sorrell 39
C Class Winner K. Holden / G. Chapman 37
2nd G. Harney 36
3rd S. Goddard 33

October shoot report

Another easier shoot was intended and that was pretty much what we achieved. Many higher score cards than in September!
Statistically the average for this shoot was 34.969.

Stand 1 - Normal location in the trees, 3 pairs: Teal, following pair.
         Fairly straightforward teal, no real difficulties here.
         This was the easiest stand of the day and 25 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - Lake, 4 pairs: R-L fast crossing bird with distant rising midi on rapport.
         Had to be quick on the first before it went into the trees on the left.
         2nd target was a fair way out over the back of the lake, which caught a few people out.
         This was the hardest stand of the day and only 3 people people straighted it.

Stand 3 - Left hand Car Park, 4 pairs: L-R dropping target with standard going away on rapport.
         Dropping target launched from behind the hedge was a little tricky, going away was fairly straightforward.
         Did not initially appear too hard but this was the 2nd hardest of the day and only 6 people straighted it.

Stand 4 - Right Hand Car Park, 3 pairs: Simultaneous pair of Rabbits.
         First time we have ever had double rabbit on the menu.
         A little unpredictable (as to be expected with rabbits) but not especially difficult.
         10 people straighted this stand.

Stand 5 - Hedgerow stand, 4 pairs: Driven simultaneous pair.
         Two driven targets at different heights.
         8 people straighted this stand.

Stand 6 - Telegraph tower stand, 3 pairs: L-R crosser with R-L crosser on rapport.
         Standard pair of crossing birds on rapport. Fairly easy though.
         Statistically the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 18 people straighted it.

Stand 7 - End tower stand, 4 pairs: L-R quartering away standard with L-R quartering incoming bird .
         Again, not particularly difficult stand, both targes fairly close.
         3rd easiest stand of the day and 15 people straighted it.