Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

June result

Again, we tried to setup an easier shoot for June and this was achieved with all scores generally higher this month.

Highest score of the day was 45 and was shot by V. Hill.

AA class winner V. Hill 45
2nd R. Loy 44
3rd S. Langdale 43
A class Winner J. Riley / F. Warwick 43
2nd M. Kempner / B. Scotton 39
3rd D. Lyon 38
B Class Winner R. Sorrell 43
2nd G. Lines / M. Bennett 41
3rd P. Welfare 40
C Class Winner D. Jones 36
2nd M. Walker / M. Magnavacca 35
3rd A. Saunders / M. Latreille 34

June shoot report

Following on from last month we tried to put on another easier shoot today.
This was pretty much achieved and with one hard stand, all the others were relatively straightforward. High scores were seen through all the leagues.
Statistically the average for this shoot was 35.03, and it has been the easiest shoot so far this year.

Stand 1 - Normal location in the trees, 3 pairs: Low quartering looper with very high slow standard on rapport.
         Looper was fairly close and clearly visible against the trees. High bird hung in the sky and made it very easy.
         This was the 2nd easiest stand of the day and 14 people straighted it.

Stand 2 - Lake, 3 pairs: Incoming standard with R-L slow crosser on rapport.
         The incoming bird was a little way off, but was still fairly easy. The crosser was also quite slow so hade plenty of time on it.
         This was the easiest stand of the day and 17 people straighted it.

Stand 3 - Dingley Dell, 4 pairs: Going away simultaneous pair.
         Sim pair shot from the stand. Quite easy, although also many shot over the top as they were rising pair.
         12 people straighted this stand.

Stand 4 - Hedgerow stand, 3 pairs: L-R low crossing standard with L-R fast crossing midi on rapport.
         A hard stand - the first crossing target was low, the midi that followed was very fast.
         Hardest stand of the day, no one straighted it but several people got 5 out of the 6.

Stand 5 - Hedgerow stand 2, 4 pairs: R-L crossing crows.
         High pair of looping, crossing targets. We thought this would be one of the easier stands, but as it turns out it caused some problems.
         Statistically the 2nd hardest stand of the day and 7 people straighted it.

Stand 6 - Telegraph tower stand, 4 pairs: Simultaneous driven pair.
         A close driven sim pair. Had to be quick on the first bird, to allow enough time to get on the 2nd bird.
         10 people straighted this stand.

Stand 7 - End tower stand, 4 pairs: Slow incoming target from behind the trees with L-R quartering target on rapport.
         Incoming target, whilst initially hidden by the trees, was fairly easy. 2nd target was faster but still fairly easy.
         14 people straighted this stand.