Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

January result

Well done everybody who turned up on Saturday. Despite the conditions it was a good shoot. This month we see two of the committee in the rankings, first time in a long time for that.

A mention also has to be made for M Garrad who shot an amazing 48 out of 50. One of the highest scores we have seen at the club.

AA class winner M. Garrad 48
2nd C. Corfield 42
3rd R. Wilgoss / B. Rickard 40
A class Winner A. Beech 40
2nd J. Ferrari 39
3rd P. Morgan 38
B Class Winner R. Galbraith / R. Sorrell 35
2nd S. Pain 33
3rd F. Shepherd / J. Slattery 31
C Class Winner N. Rowe 34
2nd A. Raza 33
3rd D. Barley / M. Magnavacca 27

January shoot

Slightly different arrangement from normal this month as we shot over 5 stands instead of 6. The average score for the shoot in January was 32.35

Stand 1 - Quartering simultanuous pair, right to left, ending over the top of the trees.
         Had to be quick before they fell into the trees and were lost.

Stand 2 - Chicken and Egg (Standard and mini), simultanuous pair over the lake.
         If you took too long to shoot the mini, then the standard was a very tricky target as it moved with the wind.

Stand 3 - Looping standard over the hedge, followed by going away standard on report.
         Looping target was variable in where it dropped which meant getting on the 2nd target could be awkward.

Stand 4 - Left to Right Standard crossing, followed by right to left standard crossing on report.
         Standard crossing targets but again, had to be quick before the target got too far away.

Stand 5 - Fast standard going away very low followed by standard going away, fairly high, on report.
         Quite tricky, probably the hardest stand. The low target was hard to see and the high target moved in the wind and was a long way out if you waited too long.