Upcoming Shoots
Sat Feb 8th
Sat Feb 22th


The leagues and monthly results are available to view here.

League Fixtures

League Fixture dates can be seen Here.

Farmers Fixtures

Farmers Fixture dates can be seen Here.


Memberships are available, details Here.

February result

After the snow in January, February returns to normal. We had a very good turn out this month with well over 100 rounds.

AA class winner M. Garrad 45
2nd R. Wilgoss 44
3rd R. Gambling 43
A class Winner A. Langdale 42
2nd J. Ferrari / G. Thompson 39
3rd B. Jarrett 37
B Class Winner K. Dawson 37
2nd R. Sorrell 36
3rd R. Galbraith / S. Vincent 35
C Class Winner A. Raza 31
2nd P. Roach 30
3rd A. Deacon-Jackson / D. Thomas / N. Rowe / M. Walker 26

February shoot report

Back to normal format this month with a total of 6 stands, 5 of which had 8 targets and 1 stand (over the lake) with 10. Stand 3 was clearly the hardest stand and was not straighted by anyone! Stand 5 was the easiest with 17 people who straighted it. The average score for the shoot in February was 32.42.

Stand 1 - Following pair, left to very high right over the trees.
         Had to be quick otherwise the target was very high.
         4 people straighted this stand and it was the 2nd hardest of the day.

Stand 2 - Chicken and Egg (Standard and mini), simultanuous pair over the lake.
         The egg was quite low and many people shot over the top as both were dropping targets.
         7 people straighted the stand.

Stand 3 - Low edge on looping standard, followed by going away standard on report.
         Looping target was very hard as it was quick, low, and edge on.
         Hardest stand of the day and no one straighted it.

Stand 4 - Standard going away to the right, followed by standard overhead (coming from behind).
         Both targets fairly average, the second target was very close so quite easy although you had to be accurate.
         Only 5 people straighted this stand.

Stand 5 - Simultaneous pair going away.
         Fairly straightforward pair going away. The majority of people took the right hand bird first.
         17 people straighted this stand and it was the easiest of the day.

Stand 6 - Driven midi followed by standard quartering overhead (from behind).
         Driven target was a little tricky as it was quick. Overhead was also a little awkward if you took it too early.
         15 people straighted this stand and it was the 2nd easiest of the day.